Space Genetics was formed in 2008 by Eric Haltmeier and Paul Scea (Director of Jazz Studies & Associate Director of World Music, West Virginia University).  The concept behind Space Genetics centers on creating original compositions and/or platforms for improvisation that can be developed independently of time and space via the use of digital technology.

The music of Space Genetics is realized through the Internet-based sharing of musical fragments, loops, cells, and/or structural material.  Recorded samples are shared via online distribution and are then complemented and/or manipulated via digital technology in order to create new musical structures.  In the case of Space Genetics, both woodwind instruments as well as VST-digital instruments powered by MIDI controllers are used to create the "source" material.  The source material is then imported into Ableton Live, and is further manipulated via plug-ins and platform-based effects processing. 

The concept behind Space Genetics can be transformed to live-performance contexts.  Once the new compositional material has been realized, methods for performing the new works are initiated, allowing for performances that combine the manipulation of pre-recorded material with real-time improvisation. 

It is the hope and mission of Eric and Paul that the Space Genetics concept be furthered to incorporate the online sharing of musical/visual/lyrical "source material" provided by artists from a variety of expressive media.  As such, "artistic material" that is shared by a diverse array of artists may become "open-source content" to be further developed into new musical/artistic forms of expression by student artists and musicians.


"Blush of Rude"

"Free Swords and the Youth"



"Behavioral Representation"

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An excerpt of Space Genetics performing using
Novation Launchpads and Ableton Live at ISIM 2010.